The Movement Clinic in College Park, MD


What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.

—M. Feldenkrais

Jutta (pronounced: YutahBrettschneider OTD, OTR/L and GCFP
Feldenkrais® and Occupational Therapy Services
for Children and Adults

I am Jutta Brettschneider, and for nearly 40 years, I have been working creatively in collaboration with clients of all ages, backgrounds and physical and cognitive abilities to improve their quality of life. Having worked in the USA, Israel, Palestine and Germany, I have met wonderful people who have enriched my life in so many ways.

In Occupational Therapy (OT), I completed my undergraduate studies in Germany and my Advanced Master of Science in the USA, researching how to make therapy services better accessible to trauma survivors In Feldenkrais, I completed a four-year training in Israel and conducted a case study with a 97 old student as my graduation project. and continue attending trainings in the USA and overseas to refine my practice. I am an adjunct faculty member at Howard University in Washington, DC and have given lectures and workshops at national and international  conferences. Before I founded my practice, I had worked in a variety of inpatient and outpatient and community settings. I am looking forward to meeting you in the Movement Clinic!

Jutta embodies and conveys through her lessons the deepest teachings of this subtle and powerful method.  Chief among them, that it is always within our power to change the quality with which we live and move. That feeling ourselves from the inside out helps us to see much more clearly the world and those in it from the outside in.

—Deborah, librarian and yoga teacher